Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Connie Update #3

Sunday night the podiatrist removed the wound pump and gave Connie's foot a 24 hour rest.  He wrapped it and told her she could put all the weight she wanted on her toes, but to work on keeping the weight off of the wound.  This is something she has been doing all along because to heal she needs to be off the wound.

Monday the wound nurse came to reapply the wound pump.  I was there to document the results.  I had not seen the wound since the day after surgery so I was anxious to see it.  I was also anxious to record the results for all my blogger readers out there waiting with bated breath.  The wound nurse's reply to that?  "You have one sick family."

Pfft.  This?  This is nothing.  I mentioned our persistence with fecal updates just so she knew we were way sicker than she thought.

 After cleansing the wound, she cut and inserted a black piece of foam into the wound.  The wound has closed so much that no longer can I insert a golf ball.  For the most part the foam was over the wound instead of in it.  It is then attached to the pump which in turn pumps out the goop and heals from the inside out.

Connie's foot is looking much better, although her toes are still slightly swollen as is the right side of her foot.  She has graduated to walking outside her room and up and down two hallways.  On Tuesday the therapist wheeled her outside for the first time to give her some fresh air.

Her spirits are still up.  She is enjoying someone cooking her three meals a day.  She enjoys conversing with all of the employees from different nationalities.  She keeps a daily log of all the names, occupations and ethnicities on a Kleenex box. It is almost full, but they have brought her another box just in case.  She is doing well.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the new update. Yes, we are a sick group but I wouldn't want to be a part of any other family :))) Thanks again for everything you are doing! You are truly appreciated:)

    I find it interesting how happy your mom sounded on the phone the other day...she actually said she may want to go to another "recovery" place after this one! I'm sure all the human contact has been a nice change!

    I hope your doing well, take good care of yourself too! Love you
