Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday Sports Recap

I didn't get to see the Steelers game this week because my TV buddy was off to Orlando for a soccer game, but I listened to the Pittsburgh radio station and followed along on the Yahoo Game Channel via my computer.  Hard to comment in this fashion, but I did have a couple things to mention:

  • Luck was with the crew yesterday when Steve Johnson dropped the pass in the endzone that would have sealed a Buffalo Bills win in overtime.  The Steelers are lackluster right now and they really need someone to fire them up.  They have the Ravens in an evening game this Sunday and if they can't put away a team like the Bills...well...I'm worried...
  • Saw the hit that James Harrison put on Bills quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick, and while I only watched it once, I just have to say the same thing I've been saying all do guys put the brakes on their momentum?  Harrison was rushing through an opening going after the quarterback - his job - with his head down (one would think to protect himself as well as get through the wall of linebackers).  He was fined because his head hit Fitzpatrick under the chin?  On a taller quarterback he would have hit him in the chest and then that would have been okay? Or is it that he should raise his head and put it where? I really don't understand the rule in this respect.  Harrison says he isn't going to change, but he is also being penalized on the field and that hurts the team.  Harrison is going to have to be the bigger person here despite the NFL's crackdown on what appears to be him each week.  He is going to have to say that the team comes first and change his ways.
  • Hate that I missed out on seeing my boy, Troy, make another big play.  That's two in a row for him.
  • How sad is it that Boise State kicker Kyle Brotzman and his family are getting hate calls because he missed two kicks in the game against Nebraska? Seriously, this is one of the reasons that sports gets a bad rap. Can't say that it is just a game anymore, not with the serious money that is doled out week in and week out, but for people to be so enraged to threaten a kicker and his family?  Sad.
  • Interesting to me that Denver coach, Josh McDaniels, caught for video taping throws his old coach under the bus.  McDaniels brings up Patriots coach, Bill Belichick's video taping history of which McDaniels watched while his assistant.  The sports crews were going nuts on the pregame shows this week with one saying no matter you don't tell on the coach.  Interesting how nobody brought up the fact that a head coach was teaching his assistants, the men he is suppose to be mentoring, to cheat.
  • Shout out to my tennis boy Roger Federer for his win over his nemesis Rafael Nadal. 
  • Is it just me or does Peyton Manning look pained lately?  In the last two games of the Colts, Peyton has looked as if he was being forced to play the game while his family was held hostage.
  • Will be interesting to see how the NFL CEO's handle the major fight that went down between Houston's Andre Johnson and Tennessee's Cortland Finnegan.  If they are going to fine James Harrison for a hit on another player, how about fining these two who were seriously trying to kill one another?
  • I got a kick out of the Yankees acting like they aren't going to try to keep their boy Derek Jeter.  "We've paid him a lot of money over the years"....uh, whose fault is that?
  • I'm getting tired of hearing about LeBron James and his leaving Cleveland.  The fans were surprised?  Hello!  Welcome to the new sports age.  Players go where the money is and why shouldn't they?  They are the ones earning that money for the owners, etc.  The days of loyalty to a team are gone for players.  A lot of the times the team can't keep them or doesn't want them.  So the fans booed him in Cleveland.  So he and his new teammates aren't doing what everyone expected of them.  Is it really news that LeBron shoulder bumps Erik Spoelstra?  Let the man be and just let him play his game.  He will turn out to be one of the greats.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Visiting Connie during the holidays

Since Connie is in the SNFF we have sent groups down to spend some time with her.  The biggest draw for the children has been the wheelchair...

Although the rehab center has its own entertainment factor.  If no one is in the room, we enjoy racing on the small seats that have wheels.  If someone is in the room, we find other forms of keeping busy...

Sometimes the entertainment is right in front of us.  The residents too provide interesting tidbits such as the 99 year old lady who was born the day after the Titanic sunk.

 Mr. Bones

Connie is working on keeping up her spirits and building up her strength.  She was released for Thanksgiving where she walked up her condo flight of stairs and then made the milk gravy for dinner.

Probably looking at another few weeks of visiting her here while she continues her rehab so that she is able to get home on her own. 

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving prepartion 101

Shopping must take place for the big dinner two days before

Hor d'doeuvres must be prepared the night before

A Bloody Mary Station must be set up the day of...

 ...and enjoyed poolside

The turkey must be dressed that morning

 with loving care

and lots of seasoning

 The perfect tools are a must

The green beans must be snapped

 The wine must breathe and the pilgrams must come

The table must be set

 The secret side dish must be prepared

 The finished turkey must be carved

 And the meal must be devoured not only by the children

but also by the adults

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A little funny from a little honey

Susan:  "So we shall tackle Target and then meet them for dinner by 5:15."

Me:  "Sounds like a plan."

Gabby (entering room):  "Mom! Could I have some money for my wallet?"

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Disney with the cousins - Magic Kingdom

Daisy Duck greets us on Main Street

 Christmas comes early at the castle (before Thanksgiving)

Stitch is happy to see the cousins

Anya helps steer the boat on our jungle cruise

 A tad concerned about entering the haunted mansion

Fun on the merry-go-round
Riding the people mover before heading to the hotel

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cheeseburger in paradise?

I get some recipes off of a site called Menus4Moms.  They give you a weekly menu and grocery list and they have helped me keep myself on track when it comes to cooking dinner each night.  I don't always follow the menus and sometimes I tweek the recipes, but I enjoy this site.

I checked out the last two weeks in their archives while wondering what to cook this week.  One of the recipes was for cheeseburger soup.  It sounded gross, but in reading over the ingredients they were all things I enjoyed in a soup.  Since the weather has been in the 60's in the evening I have been enjoying different soups lately and so I decided to give this one a try.

So glad that I did.  It was quite delicious and tasted just like a cheeseburger.  Next time I will probably add more potatoes and veggies and less meat, but for my first attempt it was a hit with the family.  I served with crunchy bread, but I thought cornbread would be delicious with it too.  Yum yum!

Cheeseburger Soup
  • 1 lb. ground beef
  • chopped onion
  • chopped carrots
  • diced celery
  • diced potatoes
  • 3 cups chicken broth
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 8 oz. Velveeta cheese
  • 1 1/2 cup milk (I used 1/2 cup half & half and 1 cup milk)
  • salt and pepper
  • 1/4 cup sour cream
I fried up the ground beef and then sauteed the onion, carrots, and celery in with the meat.  Stir in the flour and add broth and potatoes.  Cover, reduce heat and simmer until potatoes are tender, about 15 minutes.  Add cheese, milk, salt and pepper.  Cook until cheese melts.  Remove from heat and blend in sour cream.  Enjoy!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Jake Carlisle

Thirteen years ago my friend Sharon and her husband added to their family.  They named him Jake.

He was the first dog my mother allowed in her condo.  He peed on her kitchen floor.  He was the first dog we allowed in our house.  He was the first dog we allowed to babysit Madison (along with his parents) overnight.

She thought he was funny.  His barking and his jumping never really bothered her...ever.  Darcy, on the other hand, was afraid of Jake.  He always tried to eat Molly so it took her many years to trust him and for them to become friends.  But they did...

Jake loved eating.  Sharon could never leave anything out on the kitchen cabinet or stove because Jake would jump up and eat it.  He was not picky about what he ate...

 nor where the food came from....

When Sharon and John added Ben to the family Jake welcomed him too.  He barked if the baby cried and Sharon wasn't quick enough to get to him.  He barked if someone other than Sharon or John held the baby.  He let Ben pull his tail and his ears. 
Once when the smoke alarm was going off he kept barking until Sharon put in her hearing aids and was able to hear the alarm for herself.  There wasn't a fire, but Jake saved their lives because there could have been a fire.
Jake died yesterday.  He was very sick and very old in dog years.  He was "the best damn dog ever" to the Carlisle family.  He was very loved by everyone.  He will be missed.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me

Little ole me propped up on a couch sometime in my first year.  Since that time I've lived in four different states, had a job that I enjoyed, lost a parent, married, gave birth to two beautiful red haired girls, and made good friendships that have lasted a lifetime.  All with a little extra thrown in between.

Today I turn 46 35 and celebrate with family and friends.  I couldn't ask for more.  Except.....


Thanks to my sis-in-law for this little beauty!  Not only will it keep me cool in the Florida weather, but it will let me show my team spirit to everyone who needs cooling off.  Oh, and the dog hates it so it works to keep him away! Seriously? Who could ask for anything more?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday Morning Football Recap

  • I always hate playing an AFC team the week after they lose because they are more motivated to kick ass and win.  If I see this, why can't the Steelers?  Somewhere in the locker room someone has to stand up and get these guys fired up to win.  Where is the intensity that they had when Ben was on suspension?
  • The defensive allowed all those points? Listen boys, being the number one defense and earning the "steel curtain" nickname is an honor and one that you should take seriously.  Last night you didn't do that at all.
  • Offensive line? You owe Ben a massage and a meal today.
  • The word in the industry was that last week some of the Dallas Cowboy players had just given up playing saying, "What's the point?"  Uh, how about that's your job!  What is this Little League?  How about you get your butt back on the field, play football to get the fans into the stadium so the money rolls in?  To solve the problem owner, Jerry Jones, fired the coach, Wade Phillips, figuring he couldn't motivate these players who had thrown their hands into the air.  So let me get this straight:  players quit doing their job so we fire the coach because he hasn't gotten them riled up to do their job?  Time we think about holding players accountable for a change.  Think they would be motivated if their paychecks got cut for the week if they loose?  That said, the Cowboys went out and chewed up the Giants.  I like to think they felt a little guilty.
  • I finally saw the replay of last week's "spitting incident".  Before that all I had to go on was the he said/he said. Miami Dolphin linebacker Channing Crowder said that  Baltimore Raven's fullback Le'Ron McClain spit in his face.  McClain said he didn't.  Sure looked like something was going down in that video, but seriously, these are grown men doing their job.  Spitting?  Could we get any more childish?  I don't blame Crowder for getting fired up after the game.  McClain should man up and apologize and these men should seriously think about what it is they are doing each week.
  • When are teams going to realize that players who cause problems in the locker room maybe shouldn't be on your roster?  We've had Terrel Owens for the last three seasons, and now Randy Moss who has been a Patriot, a Viking and a Titan just this season.  Since he went to the Vikings they have lost.  He joined the Titans this week and guess what?  They lost.  Think maybe all of that player drama nonsense is a little distracting for the teams?
  • Nice interview Pam Oliver had with Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones on Fox's Pre-game show.  She didn't shy away from asking tough questions, especially ones she knew would piss him off.  Nice to see a woman get to handle a big interview and score!  Too bad Jones won't listen to what she said regarding his turning over the general manager's job to someone else.
  • Finally got to see a Hail Mary pass actually fall into the right hands for a win in the end as the Jaguars beat the Texans with no time left on the clock.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Apparently a green thumb does not matter

Since my mother has been in the hospital I have been taking care of her condo.  I've gone through the mail, watered her plant, and emptied out her refrigerator.  One day Madison and I decided to take her some rice pudding, her favorite.  We were searching for a cooler, and I opened the utility closet where the hot water heater is installed.  I found this:

These are two plants that she says her sister gave her for her birthday.  They bloomed a beautiful flower the first year and then refused to bloom again so she got mad at the plants and put them in the closet.  Uh? Mother? They seem to like the darkness, especially the one in the back.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Probably why I don't let him cook much

My husband was very self sufficient when we met so there isn't much he can't do.  When I worked I worked nights and so we each sort of cooked our own meals.  He liked to come home and microwave a bowl of frozen vegetables, or nuke a potato and eat it with salsa, no butter.  Once the kids came I wanted to cook each night so that we could eat together as a family.  We did that for awhile when they were little, but now we are sort of back to the three of us eating together and Tom coming home later and eating either what I made or his own creation.

The other night I came into the kitchen to find him doing this:

He said that it needed a sauce.


Friday, November 12, 2010


Kelly:  "We walked so much in Washington D.C. that I have a terrible blister on my foot."

Darcy:  "Me too, Kelly!  I have a blister on my foot."

Kelly:  "No, really, my blister is the ugliest, most horrible blister ever."

Me:  "Well, why don't you both take off your shoe and show us, and we can decide who has the worst blister."

 Kelly's blister

Darcy's blister

Darcy:  "Yeah, my blister is healing now, but it looked worse than that two days ago.  I had to pop it."