Friday, November 19, 2010

Jake Carlisle

Thirteen years ago my friend Sharon and her husband added to their family.  They named him Jake.

He was the first dog my mother allowed in her condo.  He peed on her kitchen floor.  He was the first dog we allowed in our house.  He was the first dog we allowed to babysit Madison (along with his parents) overnight.

She thought he was funny.  His barking and his jumping never really bothered her...ever.  Darcy, on the other hand, was afraid of Jake.  He always tried to eat Molly so it took her many years to trust him and for them to become friends.  But they did...

Jake loved eating.  Sharon could never leave anything out on the kitchen cabinet or stove because Jake would jump up and eat it.  He was not picky about what he ate...

 nor where the food came from....

When Sharon and John added Ben to the family Jake welcomed him too.  He barked if the baby cried and Sharon wasn't quick enough to get to him.  He barked if someone other than Sharon or John held the baby.  He let Ben pull his tail and his ears. 
Once when the smoke alarm was going off he kept barking until Sharon put in her hearing aids and was able to hear the alarm for herself.  There wasn't a fire, but Jake saved their lives because there could have been a fire.
Jake died yesterday.  He was very sick and very old in dog years.  He was "the best damn dog ever" to the Carlisle family.  He was very loved by everyone.  He will be missed.

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