Thursday, November 11, 2010

Out of the mouths of my babes

Me:  "Why don't you tell Grandma about what you are studying in Language Arts right now."

Darcy:  "We are studying Edgar Allan Poe."

Grandma:  "Are you reading his work?"

Darcy:  "Yes, we're reading The Tell-tale Heart."

Me:  "And tell us about that story."

Darcy:  "Well, it is about a man who is afraid of this old man's cataract and the man wants the old man's cataract to go away.  So the guy breaks into the other guy's house and the man goes into the old man's bedroom...."

Me:  "Wait.  I'm getting confused with the man and man part.  Do they have names?"

Darcy:  " I and he"

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