Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 Resolutions

Final score from 2010: 140 points out of 250 points.  Still over half (didn't count Sept or Oct.), but still not quite what I would like.  So this year I shall try to make the resolutions more do-able.  Without further ado, they are:

Cara's 2011 Resolutions
  • To not text while driving.  Have you seen Jane Lynch's TV commercials on this subject?  Terrible thing to do and one that I am determined to stop.  I thought about adding chatting on the phone as well, but seriously, that is so not do-able.
  • To get some form of exercise daily (10 minutes at least), whether it is walking the dog or performing jumping jacks.  Now that my weight has decreased I really must maintain that, and exercising is a better way of going about it then how I lost it in the first place.  My real goal is getting back to the gym, but under the current circumstances, I thought I should start low and aim high.
  • To finish my slide project and to get important photos on CD's to have for... prosperity?  I don't know this is just something I'm into doing right now and in writing about some of the memories it got me thinking that I should scan photos as well.  Not all of them, but those of substance.  Perhaps they could be gifts?
  • And to continue to work on toning down the potty mouth.  This one is becoming like the birthday card resolution.  I'm determined to resolve this one, but the fact that I never mastered getting out birthday cards on time is making me think this one isn't going to be do-able either.  But then again, "toning down" gives me some leeway, huh?

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