Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Tidbits

10 Things I did before Santa arrived:

  1. Dropped off my family at the airport and shed a few tears.  It is always so nice to have them here, but saying good-bye for 6 months is a very hard thing to do.
  2. Wrapped the last of the gifts that I ordered from Amazon on the 14th of December, taking advantage of their super saver shipping they heavily advertised.  Bah Humbug on Amazon!
  3. Did the Christmas dinner grocery shopping with the girls and Kelly.  Lots of giggles.
  4. Took a nap to catch up on the sleep I missed last night tossing and turning and worrying.
  5. Went out to breakfast with my family and friend at our local haunt up the street.  A good way to take out the taste of saying good-bye to my family.
  6. Showered and dressed in my Christmas sweater that I splurged on years ago and can actually fit in now quite nicely.
  7. Attended the candle light service at Kelly's church.
  8. Ate fast food for dinner after the service, but was unable to get what we really wanted as a main water pipe had broken in the night and made all the water in three cities undrinkable.
  9. Watched the movie Santa Paws with the girls while Kelly painted Darcy's toenails red and green.
  10. Talked to mother on the phone and made sure she would be up and ready tomorrow for Christmas.

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