Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Last check of 2010 resolutions

Because September and October were crazy months I didn't check in with how well I was doing on my 2010 resolutions, and because September and October were crazy months I'm not even counting them.  I'll admit it now.  I don't think I did a thing toward maintaining those resolutions during those months.  And because I'm in charge of this blog, as well as those resolutions, I can do what I want.  So there.

But here is my 12 month check on how well I did:

* To study one subject (can be anything) once a month -I can honestly say that I learned quite a bit about the Florida senior health care system in the past two months.  Score: 10
* To see a movie once a month - Nope, didn't happen for November.  Just eeked in a movie this month this week by seeing Tangled, which I loved!  Don't care what people say...Disney does it right no matter the project.  Score: 5
* To get into a cleaning routine and keep my house straightened - Nope, never happened. I would like to blame this too on the learning of the health care system, but seriously, I just didn't care.  Score: 0
* To relax in general and to not react hysterically, especially when it comes to the dog - Oh, yeah, baby, this one is a touchdown!  I love that damn dog.  I can't live without him.  He follows me everywhere and knows who will listen to him when no one else will.  And I'm okay with that now.   Score: 10
* To tone down the potty mouth - Oh, hell, no that didn't happen.  At all.   Score:0

Total Score:  25 (out of 50) - It was a trying time, so there! If I had been a better person, one that was put together and able to handle stress, perhaps things would have worked out differently.  C'est la vie

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