Sunday, December 05, 2010

My December Task

Back at the end of November I  decided that I would purchase one Christmas gift a day until I I was finished with my list.  In doing this I hoped to relieve some stress and get a jump on gift purchases that tended to be left until the week before the holiday. 

Since beginning this task I have come to the conclusion that I need to do some tweeking so to speak.  Here are my rules:
  1. By the end of the week must have purchased 7 items
  2. Can accomplish rule #1 by purchasing more than one gift at a time on one day.
  3. Gifts include stocking items as well as gifts.  (We adults give a little something in one another's stockings)
  4. Shall keep track on blog to the right ->
I found this week that I was much more spirited in the holiday way when working to accomplish my new December Task, but as the end of the week neared I would get antsy if I hadn't made a purchase.  The tweeking has helped, and I'm looking forward to getting through the week and perhaps finishing up my shopping!

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