Thursday, December 09, 2010

Out of the mouths of my babes

We were having dinner tonight in a restaurant in a small mall.  Darcy picked up a napkin and began blowing her nose...quite loudly.  It sounded like a horn.  Madison and I tried to ignore it, but it was difficult.

Darcy:  "I hate having a snotty nose."  She blows again.  "The worst part of being sick is snotty nose and throwing up.  That's what I hate about being sick."

Me:  "Darcy, please, I'm trying to eat here."

Darcy:  "I mean, I can handle the coughing and the bloating..."

Me:  "Wait a minute!  What?  Bloating?"

Darcy:  "Yeah, I heard that on a commercial.  I think it was talking about periods."

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