Friday, January 14, 2011

A bright spot in my day

I very rarely collect the mail from our box.  That is my husband's job each night he comes home from work.  He pulls up, parks, checks the mail, comes inside.  Never strays from that routine even if I yell out the door that I have the mail.  Last week after walking the dog he refused to climb up the driveway.  He knew the walk was ending and he wasn't ready to go inside.  So I walked to the mailbox as if prolonging the walk.

There was one envelope in the box and it was addressed to me in print letters.  The return address said, "A.R. II, Pittsburgh, PA."  The postmark, however, said, "Tampa, FL / St. Petersburg, FL"  Very intriguing.  Even Elliot sensed the intrigue because he went right into the house.  I examined the envelope, but he only think I got from it was a guess.  I guessed it was a male's handwriting.  This is what was inside.

 This was the front of the card

This was at the top of the card inside.

 This was the inside bottom of the card

This was the back of the card

At first I thought how thoughtful it was of the Rooney's to send me this card, a tad late, but thoughtful nonetheless.  As I stated in a previous blog, I have suddenly begun to believe through my tweeting in the twitter world that several of the Pittsburgh Steelers and I are friends.  So the idea of the Rooney's sending me a card seemed to make sense.  

Then in five seconds I came to my senses and realized that the probability of the Rooney's sending me a card were...well, I was never good at math so I couldn't tell you the probability, but it would be somewhere in the range of "not damn likely".  And there was the matter of the postmark stamped in the general area of where I reside.  I studied the card and studied the card, picking out my fav players in the picture and in the autographed section of the card.

Then I went back to thinking that the Rooney's know of me and consider me one of their peeps.  Who knows?  Maybe Super Bowl tickets will appear for me in the mailbox.  In the meantime I'm looking for them to become one of my twitter followers, and the card is going to be framed and hung in the Steelers room!

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