Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday morning football recap #2

  •  That first half was the best half I have seen from the Steelers since I saw them live in Tampa.  Rashard Mendenhall running for 91 yards was a sight to see pounding and pounding through the Jets' defense, the Steelers' offense line helping him through.  I kept waiting for him to have a break through run for 50 yards, and if the half hadn't ended I think he would have.  The momentum was too strong.
  • But the half did happen, and I was worried.  I knew Jets coach Rex Ryan was going to be cursing up a storm in that locker room trying to fire up his team of mismatched players from all over the league.  He has done it all year and they have responded.  I knew our guys were going to get a tad cocky and let down their guard as they have done during the year.  We work better, as my Steelers watching buddy, Grandpa Bob, has said, when we are having to come from behind.  The Jets came out getting the ball first and they began clawing their way up the field and into the end zone, and I began having chest pains.
  • The Steelers defensive stop of the Jets on the one yard line on four downs was pure Steel Curtain.  How often do we get to see safety Troy Polamalu pumping his fist out straight in pure victory and emotion afterward?  Big play.
  • But the biggest play came with rookie Antonio Brown catching the 14 yard pass from Big Ben on third down to get the Steelers that final first down needed to run out the clock.  What a catch and what a pass from Big Ben.  Ben had to scramble to get out of the pocket to make the throw and to throw it accurately, and he did.  Major play.
  • Hate having to see Steelers center Maurkice Pouncey hobbling off the field with a high ankle sprain.  Word is that it is a 4 to 6 week recovery, but Pouncey is already saying he will play.  We need him, but I have faith in back-up Doug Legursky if the doctors tell Pouncey he can not play.  Two weeks is a lot of time to bring Legursky up to speed and for Ben to help him work on his confidence.
  • Jets coach Ryan didn't mouth off this week about the Steelers, and for the most part neither did his players.  Aside from some comments on Sunday about Hines Ward being a dirty player, the Jets were quiet.  Just goes to show everyone that the Steelers led by coach Mike Tomlin are class acts.  Makes me have a tiny glow in my heart for Ryan.
  • I feel for Jets running back LaDainian Tomlinson, formerly of the San Diego Chargers.  I think he too is a class act and a hell of a player.  If the Jets had pulled off a win yesterday, I would have been rooting for them just because of Tomlinson.  Nice guy all around and probably his last year in football.  He owns many records, but the Super Bowl win still escapes him.  The Chargers gave up on him and Ryan snatched him up and helped bring him back into playoff material, and that is the only reason I feel sorry for their loss.
  • When I got home last night I told the girls, "Notice I did not call Patrick (my huge Jets fan buddy) tonight after this game?  No point in rubbing it in his face.  He is sick enough as it is.  I know that feeling of losing..."  We sat quietly for three seconds, and then I snickered, "Actually, I don't, but..."  All in good fun though, all in good fun!

  • Got to address the Jay Cutler situation, and I'll do that by giving my own opinion.  Cutler, the quarterback of the Chicago Bears left the game in the last quarter with a knee injury.  Who decided that will always be the big question in that city.  Was it Jay himself who preceded to walk along the sideline during the game snuggled warmly in his Bears parka or the trainers and doctors coach Lovie Smith sort of eluded to it being?  The thing that bothered me the most was how he sat on the bench next to the third string quarterback, Caleb Haine, his hands inside his warm pockets, ear buds in his ears, starting straight ahead while Haine studied the play book.  I can guarantee had that been Ben Roethlisberger, Peyton Manning or even Brett Favre, they would have been hanging over Haine's shoulder offering advice, encouragement, and helping this kid pull out the win that would send them to the Super Bowl.  Hell, it's exactly what I would have been doing!  Instead we get Cutler acting like he hasn't a care in the world, and there lies the problem with his entire NFL career thus far.  If I can offer him some advice it would be this:  take what has happened to Ben Roethlisberger and what he has done to redeem himself in the eyes of his family, his teammates, his fans, his town, and himself and ask him what he has done to turn his life around and then work on straightening out your own.  Because until this man is happy with himself he isn't going to do anything on the field that will make others happy.
  • That being said, kudos to third string quarterback Caleb Haine for getting out there and playing like a monster.  He almost brought the Bears back to turn the game into something worth watching.  If it weren't for those two mistakes, he might have been having the day of his life.  And wouldn't it have been exciting for the next two weeks to wonder which quarterback would have started in the Super Bowl?
  • I have quite a few friends who are Packer fans, and I know the President of the Packers organization, so it will be an interesting two weeks.  I just wish the Super Bowl were being played in an outdoor stadium instead of inside.  These two teams aren't indoor wimps.  Wouldn't it be great if it were outdoors in the snow?  Sigh.

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