Thursday, January 27, 2011

Update on my life

  • Sewage problem kicked in again and we lost the use of our bathroom facilities Monday night around 10:00 PM.  Youngest was showering when the problem occurred and the other daughter and I left the house and showered at Kelly's house.  Husband plunged all the showers and toilets and thought all would be well as long as only liquid went into the bowls.
  • At 4:00 AM my mother's neighbor called to tell us Connie had fallen and was being transported to the hospital.  She fell and hit her head, opened a nice wound on her knee and her shoulder, and was dizzy.  Nothing is broken and her head scan came back normal, which we all know to be iffy anyhow...ha!  She is getting some rest in the hospital while they run more tests to determine why she is dizzy.  The foot god visited her, and despite the culture they took there growing MRSA, he refused to put her on antibiotics as he thinks it is topical.  He wants the vac back on the foot when she returns home.
  • Workers are on the scene, I'm told, at my house this morning working on our end of the sewer issue.  They are Pittsburgh Steelers fans so it should be good when I finally get home this evening.  If not I'm sure good ole Kelly will enjoy having us raid her shower once more as we bring our own towels and offer up good stories and humor.
More later as the days progress!

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