Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Connie foot photo #8

Last week the foot was swollen and red.  In the rehab hospital the doctor sent in an infectious disease doctor who ordered an MRI and swabbing of the foot and nose.  Swabbing came back with MRSA in both the wound and the nose and it is colonized, which means Connie is a carrier of MRSA.  Out came the masks, gloves, and gowns although most nurses and doctors ignored them.  The MRI showed a slight difference since the last MRI and so they are going with the assumption that the infection is in the bone.  That means 6 weeks of an IV antibiotic administered at home via traveling nurses.

She went into the Foot God's office yesterday.  The Foot God is on vacation and his associate came in and had a nice discussion about everything with her.  Most of the time in these wound cases the bone is degenerated so much and flattened that the MRI shows a false positive and is hard to determine.  He said from the looks of the wound it is unlikely that the infection is in the bone, but to be on the safe side continue the course.  The wound has filled in nicely and the wound vac is not needed anymore.

Connie returned home last night and is determined to get along by herself with some aide from others.  Hopefully, this time she can stay there until the foot is healed.  Stubborn should count for something, shouldn't it?

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