Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Connie photo #7

The wound looked better this week although her foot, ankle and leg were quite swollen.  Because of this swelling and some redness on the top of the foot and leg the Foot God put her on two antibiotics.  He said the vac is doing its job and filling in the wound nicely.  Not sure why she has that swollen bump above the wound.  I didn't really check it out this time as I was concentrating on the wound.

Her foot was still swollen the next day, but not as much as when she saw the Foot God.  The rehab hospital is kicking her out the end of this week and the question is where to go from here.  Another rehab facility or home?  She is weighing her options and discussing things with the therapists, and I threw in my opinion.  As long as she can stay off her foot I have no problem with her going home, but she tends to be on her feet puttering around when she is at home.  She promises not to do that.  Hmmmm....

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