Monday, March 28, 2011

Connie Foot Photo #13

Three days after the apligraf was sewed on to the foot Connie noticed a lot of drainage.  The home healthcare nurse alerted the Foot God who asked to see her the following Friday.  I was not able to accompany her on the trip and so my knowledge is from Connie's point of view. 

The apligraf had come undone and slid to the side of the wound.and thus was rendered useless.  The Foot God was not happy.  Connie was not happy.  He reiterated that she needed to stay off of the foot even if that meant going into some type of nursing facility.  Connie did some research on this and find a place near her house that would accommodate her and she decided to see how it looked by her next visit in a week.

I visited her yesterday and was there when the home healthcare nurse came to change the wound.  It looked better then I thought it would look.  It seemed smaller, and there is new tissue growth, but at this point perhaps I'm just willing it so. 

Today the Foot God's office called and told Connie that they have found the foreskin that he originally wanted to use, but was unable to locate due to insurance reasons.  He has found it and I will take her in tomorrow to have that surgical procedure.  I'm thinking I shall sit in the waiting room so that the Foot God has room to move and concentrate without me hovering over his shoulder taking pictures.  But I do hate to miss it.....

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