Thursday, April 14, 2011

Connie Foot Photo #15

I've decided that these pictures aren't really showing how much the foot has improved.  Next time I shall show a view from farther away.  The foot looked amazing this week; really filled in, smaller, and healthier.  The measurements were completely smaller so it is definitely improving.  Bad news:  there wasn't another dermagraft available.

She is back to having home health care come in every day to dress the wound until another wound person is approved for the dermagraft.  It is a wait and see and stay-by-your-phone kind of thing.  I said that it was like being on an organ transplant list.  The Foot God just smiled.  I think he might be growing tired of us....or the situation.

He didn't stay long with Connie.  Just long enough to peek and comment, "looks much better", tell us we would wait for the dermagraft, and sent in Nurse Kelly who finished up cleaning and wrapping the foot, making the next appointment, listening to Connie whine, and getting instructions for home health.  Then she shoved us out the door and down the hall.  I love Nurse Kelly!

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