Saturday, April 02, 2011

Out of the mouths of my babes

The headline should read:  "Out of the mouth of my Floridian babe"

We live one mile from the beach.  My daughter and her father ride their bikes to the new dog beach right by our house where dogs can frolic in the gulf and run along the sandy bar all under the safety of the new causeway bridge.  This morning when I made Darcy and her friend Savanna get up I told them we had to walk the dog.  Since the rain had stopped and the sun was out Darcy suggested the dog beach.  I have never been there, and craving the sun and beach, I agreed.

It was very nice.  You can park under the bridge so the car was in shade.  There were only four other dog owners there and all of the dogs were super friendly.  Elliot and Magnum, a half rottweiler and half something else 7 month old puppy twice my dog's size, ran and chased a ball (that Magnum soon crushed) and went in and out of the gulf splashing water.  The girls chased the dogs and went in and out of the gulf splashing each other with water.  I stood and chatted with Magnum's owner.

Darcy:  "Mom!  Mom!  Savanna and I have to use the bathroom."
Me:  "Well there are porta-potties right under the bridge over there."
Darcy:  "No, it's okay.  We just went in the lake."
Me:  "The lake?  Seriously?"
Darcy:  "You know what I mean."

Uh huh.  Was this child born in this state? 

Darcy:  "Mom! Mom!  Look at Elliot!"
Me:  "What?"
Darcy:  "He's in the ocean!"
Me:  "The ocean?  Seriously?"
Darcy:  "Well, I'm getting closer aren't I?"

Uh huh.  How much money has been spent on her education?

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