Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Connie Foot Photo #17

We went to the infectious disease doctor the day before visiting the Foot God.  She was thrilled with the way the wound looked and said she foresees it healing in 6-8 weeks.  Connie was surprised by that information as she seems resigned that it will never heal and she will forever be chair bound.  That is just her positive side shining through...

Infectious disease doctor is keeping her on oral antibiotic for another 4 weeks just because it is healing so well on it and because Connie and I told her how the Foot God was "rongeur happy".  She told us weekly visits to him were important as his poking and cleaning the tissue was a good stimulation and that he should be making it bleed.  We assured her he was quite adept at making it bleed.

The Foot God enjoyed being labeled "rongeur happy" and wanted to make sure that we had used that exact wording.  Other than that he showed no emotion upon learning the infectious disease doctor thought his work outstanding.  In fact he didn't even mention anything about the foot today upon entering, but instead asked us how we were doing and what was new in our lives.  Connie and I are getting through to him.  Just think what a grand Foot God he will be when all of this is over.

Pictures of the promogran out and in the foot

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