Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Connie foot photo #18 & #19

Connie is back on the dermagraft healing track. She received one treatment while I was in Costa Rica with a bandage change two days later. (#18 photo - Friday)

Yesterday she received her second dermagraft, with the dermagraft guy hovering in the hallway with his big black cooler bag. Connie's room was readied and her foot cleaned as the first recipient got his treatment. Minutes later in came Nurse Kelly with the important remains of the dermagraft which the Foot God applied to Connie's wound with tweezers. She returns Friday for a bandage change and then receives another treatment after the holiday.

 The Foot God did trim around a bit after I took the #19 photo on Monday, but we are keeping our fingers crossed as it is filling in nicely and the dermagraft seems to be speeding things along.

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