Thursday, May 12, 2011

Tread carefully is what I'm saying

Away post # I don't know I've lost count

As I've said before I love Twitter thanks to my brother Rusty who at one time tweeted a thousand times a day.  I follow many of the Pittsburgh Steelers and feel like we are old buddies.  One of the men I followed was Rashard Mendenhall who recently tweeted about Osama bin laden after his reported death.  What he tweeted was something along the lines of how can people be so overjoyed over the death of a human.  Okay, not so bad.  I sort of understood what he was getting at.  I had stated that in an earlier post.  No big deal.

Unfortunately, his next few tweets mentioned how he wasn't sure that bin laden was all that bad and that he didn't believe that two planes could have brought down the world trade center.  I read and read and re-read those tweets, horrified by what I was reading.  Yes, people are entitled to their opinions.  Yes, people have the right to voice them or tweet them or email them.  My horror at what I was reading was along the same lines as the horror I felt regarding the comments that Natalie Maines, of the Dixie Chicks, made overseas about then President George W. Bush.  My horror didn't have to do with what was said, although I disagree, but with how and when it was voiced.

So I stopped buying Dixie Chicks CD's and I "unfollowed" Rashard Mendenhall.  Easy thing to do.

I know the Chicks had a lot of bad press and backlash over what was said.  I read that Mendenhall lost a contract out of his comments.  Just goes back to what our lives have become with the Internet and fast growing news networking.  Be careful what you say, or in this case, write.  But people also have to be careful with how they respond to what others have said or written.  It could turn out to be a vicious cycle.  You don't like what Mendenhall had to say?  Then just "unfollow" him on twitter.  Or don't cheer for him on the football field.  And seriously?  The more we talk about it the more these types of people are in the news.

I'm just saying...

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