Monday, May 09, 2011

Uh huh...good to know

Away from blog entry # 2

I had been away from facebook for some time.  When I happened to go on to check something regarding a friend I browsed through those pages of friends I hadn't heard from in awhile to see what I might have missed.  One friend had changed her status from dating someone to engaged.  I immediately commented.  A few days later I received a personal message from her telling me she was married and pregnant.  I was very excited and passed the news on to the family.  I responded to her message and received an answer back.  One of the things she wrote was, " Send besos and abrazos to my girls, and of course a special hola to Tom."

I went to take a shower and found Tom stretched out on the bed reading.

Me:  "Maria told me to give you a special "hola" from her."  I leaned down and pecked his check.  "Hola!"
Tom:  "I'm not the father of her baby.  Just so you know."

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