Saturday, May 28, 2011

Why I'm not a gourmet chef

Me: "What should I make for dinner? Give me some ideas." 
Connie: "Why don't you make that chicken dish that my lady made last night? You liked that didn't you. It was easy to make."
Me: "Yeah I liked that but I don't want to have to buy little chickens and do all that work."
Connie: (long silence)  "Those were chicken thighs. You didn't know what you were eating?"
Me: "Not really but I knew it was good."
Connie: (This would have been a good time for eye rolling, but my mother never liked eye rolling)  "I believe she first browned the thighs in butter in a skillet. Do you have butter?"
Me: "I do."
Connie: "She browned the thighs and then used that...oh, the stuff that comes in a box...the..."
Me: "Broth."
Connie: "Yes broth."
Me: "Beef broth?"
Connie: "Cara, you are cooking chicken!"
Me: "OH Yeah...guess that would be chicken broth, huh?"

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