Friday, June 10, 2011

Ha Ha Funny

During the week's festivities and hoopla of the graduation of the 8th graders, a friend flew in town from Canada to celebrate with all of us.  Long story short she moved away a year ago for personal reasons and thus her son was unable to finish up his final year at the school.  A group of us got together and brought them back for a week so that everyone could be together and so that he too could participate as an honorary graduate.

Before they arrived, my friend, whose house the two were staying in, was talking to me about what she had to do to ready her house.  We were discussing all the ins and outs and suddenly it occurred to me that one of the kids would need to move out of his or her room to accommodate the out of town guests.  I asked the obvious question what child, only to be told my friend had a guest room.  Well, I had never seen a guest room in her house before, and so she explained where it was upstairs and how she always had the door closed because the room tended to pick up junk that otherwise would be all over the house.

Later, while going upstairs to retrieve the girls before heading home, my friend led me to the guest room and opened the closed door.  I took one look at the room and the bed...

...looked at my friend, and said, "OH MY GOD!  The Easter Bunny took a dump on your bed!"

We're still laughing about that today.  Who says you lose your humor as you get older?  Ha!

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