Monday, August 08, 2011

Birthday boy

It was suppose to read, "Happy Birthday Daddy Tom", but the lady obviously didn't understand Darcy's directions.  We celebrated with this double cookie cake the night before his birthday because Susan and Gabby were still here and Darcy got the palm tree cake for Susan's benefit as well.

The cake didn't catch on fire with all the candles because he did a great job of blowing them all out.  We, of course, did a great job of singing to him.

The night of his real birthday we whipped up this little ice cream cake for him to make a wish on.  Okay, we bought it, but it is the thought that counted.

His baby sister got to join in via the cell phone for this round of singing and candle blowing.  After that we had him open his gifts. 

The first gift I didn't recognize, and when he opened it I discovered it wasn't for him.  It was one of the souvenirs I had brought home from Indiana and it was in the bag of Tom's gifts I handed Madison to wrap.  I laughingly told him oops and took the souvenir from his hand.  He shrugged and opened the second gift which turned out to be the Notre Dame coffee mug I had gotten him in Indiana and then promptly dropped on the ground breaking the handle.  Madison just went ahead and wrapped that as well figuring he could glue that back together.  The two shirts he later opened were too small and have to be returned.  The poor man wasn't so sure we put a lot of effort into his big day, but HEY he had two cakes!

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