- Why do magazine companies keep emailing me after I ordered a magazine subscription for a year? Do they really think I want to keep ordering years each time I receive the email?
- Why Blockbuster Express rents movies for $4.99 when Redbox is only $1.00? Do they think people would rather pay more?
- Why the guy sitting next to me in the grocery store is staring at me? Does he recognize me?
- Why people wear jeans in the middle of a Florida summer? Are they cold?
- Why I am so tired? Did I do anything today that warrants that feeling?
- Why the dental/ortho office is so packed today? What? Everyone has their six month check-up today too?
- Who are the "the many" that are worrying about this new blood test that reveals the sex of an unborn baby as early as 6 weeks? They don't have their own issues to worry about?
- Why I don't carry food in this gigantic new purse I bought? Would that be too much for me to remember?
- Who wrote the book of love? No, I know who wrote that...just kidding.
- How we are ever going to manage getting back into the school mode? Is earlier really better?
What pretty toes!!