Friday, September 09, 2011

Connie Foot Photo #31

No apligraf available so it was just a regular appointment. Connie's ankle was hugely swollen and the Foot God kindly examined it and thought it due to arthritis. He gave her a cortisone shot, one he had to get up and get himself as his assistants did not come when summoned. They were very busy due to the lost day on Monday for Labor Day.

The Foot God seemed very kind this go around. The only thing Connie is waiting on is the stubborn spot in the lower right hand corner that is not filling in. I told Connie it was the tiniest spot and then the Food God came in and said, "It looks good. Just waiting on that chunk to fill in." We debated quite some about the word "chunk" and he agreed it maybe wasn't the correct word. He didn't come out and say I was right, but he knew it.

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