Saturday, September 24, 2011

Our local star

Yesterday the girls, who were out of school, and I went to opening day of Dolphin Tale, the story of Winter the dolphin who lost her tail, survived, and learned to swim with a prosthetic tail, inspiring youngsters and adults alike with the simple message of hope and not giving up.  I was especially excited to see the movie because I have been a huge fan of the Clearwater Marine Aquarium every since my first visit there.  I believe that the aquarium has more to offer visitors interested in sea life then any other fancy aquarium in big cities.  One can not leave that place without wanting to drop some money in the donation box.

I was living here in 2005 when Winter was found.  Like all of the locals, I followed the story via the newspaper and via my ex-boss who worked at the aquarium.  I was a huge fan of their resident dolphin Sunset Sam who lived and entertained at the aquarium for 17 years.  Many of the rescued dolphins were able to be released back into the wild, but Panama, Nicholas and Winter were not.  Panama was deaf, Nicholas too young to learn, and Winter had lost her tail.  The chances of survival for Winter were not great, but she continued to defy the odds and learned to swim in a side to side motion.  She inspired all of us who visited her.

When I heard a movie was going to be made about her I was thrilled for the aquarium.  The success of a movie would only help the aquarium especially financially since it relies on donations.  I wasn't sure what to expect, but was thrilled when big name stars signed on to star in the drama.  While the movie is simple and open to all ages, I was disappointed in the choppiness of the flow of the scenes and the long winded story that Hollywood created for entertainment value.  No need for the made up hurricane.   No need for the summer school scenes. The story is simple and the movie should have kept it that way.  Naturally, I would have done better with the story, but once again, I wasn't asked.

But having said that, the movie is a delight because of Winter.  She steals every scene she is in and her rapport with the character Sawyer is special and comes through on film.  That they allowed her to play herself was a great choice in making this movie a special one.  Kids will love it because Winter does her usual antics such as waving, splashing people, and turning over on her side to view people.

Adults will like it because it is wholesome entertainment for their children and because Harry Connick Jr. is a hunk, Ashley Judd is beautiful, and Morgan Freeman can flat out act no matter what movie he is in.  His character gets the funny lines and Freeman delivers with his usual straight face, woe-is-me, lovable demeanor.  I would have liked Abby Stone, Winter's true trainer, to have been the trainer in the movie, especially since she is in most of Winter's scenes.  Not sure why they couldn't have just had her play herself.  All in all, it is a movie worth viewing just for the joy of seeing Winter.  After seeing her you will be hooked and will spend hours on your computer watching her live via her webcam.  And then, please schedule a trip to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium or send a donation.  This is the little place that could and it is a place that everyone should help out.

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