Thursday, October 27, 2011

Connie Foot Photo #38

We think it looks now like a peanut.  I think we should call it that instead of "the wound" or "your foot ailment" or "that damn thing on your foot".  Peanut sounds so much friendlier?  Although truth be told we are over the whole foot thing now.

We told the Foot God this at the appointment and asked what the game plan was in his mind.  He gave a response that made me think he doesn't worry about his patients once he leaves the office for the day.  He mumbled something about checking on dermagrafts and his new wound care center that is schedule to open next month.  I cut him off at the pass and told him I was tired of coming to the office every week for the same old thing.  I was bored.  Next thing I know Connie is scheduled for an outpatient surgery next Friday where the Foot God will put on a type of graft that he put on once before while she was still hospitalized.  I'm not sure of the name, but it is a two layer graft that he feels would be better then anything else and Medicare pays for it. 

Sounded good to us.  Anything to move on...

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