Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Overheard, but couldn't believe

Gabby:  "I'm going to watch television here now." (or something along those lines as I didn't really hear that part)

Susan:  "NO!  NO!  I'm watching the game.  I'm watching the game on this television until I finish these dishes.  Then when I'm done with that I'll go downstairs and watch the game and you can watch your shows on this TV.  But not until I'm done."

Huh?  Anyone who knows my sister-in-law will be shocked to read that she was watching a game, let alone screaming about watching a game.  I was driving when this conversation occurred.  I'm lucky I didn't run off the road!  It's only taken 20+ years in the Mason family for this to happen, but sooner or later we pull you to the sports, don't we?

1 comment:

  1. Man, was I upset when I went to bed...I was hoping for a win:(
