Tuesday, November 08, 2011

10 month check on resolutions 2011

It is time to check in on how well I'm doing on my New Year's Resolutions.  I score from 1-10 with 10 being the perfect score.  My goal this year is to actually make all of these things happen.  To achieve that perfect score (at least once)!
  1. To not text while driving - This resolution has been so easy to keep and I've been scoring perfectly in this category...except for these last two months.  Ever since Madison started high school this texting thing while driving is stumping me.  She insists on texting from school because she has her phone on silent during the day so she won't get her phone confiscated.  She inevitably does this when I'm driving.  Now that she walks to soccer practice from school her day is different then it was in the beginning of school, and car pooling has grown, and more people are involve,d and everyone wants to TEXT.  And I'm always DRIVING!  Seriously, we all should have our phones turned off in the cars.  This has gotten out of control.  Score: 7
  2. To get some form of exercise daily (10 minutes at least) whether it is walking the dog or performing jumping jacks. - Suck at this one.  I keep forgetting this resolution until I feel fat, which is usually in the evening, and I give myself a pep talk for the next day and then I forget.  Score: 0
  3. To finish my slide project and to get important photos on CD's to have for...prosperity? - This one is a done deal in the slide project, and I'm so grateful that I can finally score perfection.  As for the photo's I do that a bit over time and since I threw that in for an extra I don't really give it much weight in the final score.  Score: 10
  4. To continue to work on toning down the potty mouth. - Sigh.  This has been my tough one.  It depends on who I hang out with and what the subject matter might be when I'm talking.  There are times when these words are very necessary and useful.  Unfortunately, I use these words more often when they aren't.  I'm doing better then I was at the beginning of the year.  Madison, who is keeping track, thinks I was doing better last month then this month, but she isn't here to give me a score so I'll leave it the same as last month because I think it is probably a true score. Score:  7
TOTAL:  24 out of 40  Okay, so I fell 3 points in this check.  Nothing to do but get back up, dust off, and try for perfection by the end of the year.  I'm determined.  So determined in fact that I shall now finish this entry, publish it, and do ten jumping jacks!  Oh yeah!

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