Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Internet is going to make me skinny

Last night on Yahoo the lead story at that time was 5 Bizarre Weight Loss Tricks That Work, so of course I clicked on this seeing that I could certainly shed a few pounds.  And what better way to shed then the bizarre way!  These tricks are so going to help me, not to mention give me a blog entry while doing so.
  • Sniff a banana, an apple, or peppermint - Some researcher found that the more you sniff the less hungrier you feel because you are tricking your brain.  The explanation did not say why one must sniff the three food items mentioned in the title, but who doesn't have these foods lying around?  I'm also not sure how often I need to sniff these foods.  Should I carry them in my purse and sniff every hour or only right before I eat?  Guess I'll have to experiment, and it just so happens I bought some banana flavored Starbursts today!

  • Hang a mirror opposite your seat at the table - A study says that this cut down eating by a third.  Hmmm.  First of all, I don't look in mirrors when there is light.  I shower and brush my teeth in the dark because I look better.  I tend to avoid mirrors at all cost so I think I would just ignore the mirror when eating, but who knows.  Don't know til I try it.
    • Surround yourself with blue - Apparently blue is an appetite suppressant so it suggests we eat on a blue plate, on a blue tablecloth, while wearing blue.  Oh yeah, my scrubs are blue!  Easy one to do here as I have all three of those things.  Well, not the tablecloth, but I have a blue placemat, only it's for decoration, and I usually remove it before eating, but guess not anymore.  Oh, and I have blue walls in my kitchen too.
    • Shoot your food - I was worried about this when I saw that header because it seemed messy, but turns out they didn't mean with a gun.  I should shoot pictures of what I eat so that I can analyze it.  According to the article I would analyze it after I ate so that I could avoid putting that much dressing, for example, on my salad next time.  Uh, shouldn't I study the photo before I eat the food?
    •  Tie yourself up - This too gave me pause until I read that they meant around the waist with a ribbon so that I can feel myself enlarging as I eat.  And I thought the waist band of my jeans was already doing that job!

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