Thursday, November 10, 2011

Old Pictures - Farm Holidays

Since I checked in on my resolutions a few days ago I've tried to put forth more effort on them.  One of the resolutions was to scan my old photos into my computer to eventually get them put on jump drives.  I decided since I just came from the Indiana farm that I would start there in my scanning project.  Here are a few of the old photos I scanned under the "Holiday" category.

 I know this says it is Christmas, but I think it is probably Thanksgiving 1975 at the kid's table.  As long as my grandfather was alive we still did the Holidays at his house, the farm.  The adults had a table and the kids had a table.  After spending Thanksgiving here my mother and I would then travel a couple of hours to her family's farm for another Thanksgiving, which is probably why I'm not in the photo.

I think I published this photo earlier during my slide pictures, but since it is 1975 as well I'm adding it.  We always spent Christmas Eve at the farm and then we would drive home that night, Rusty and I falling asleep under blankets in the back of the station wagon.  These are the cousins I grew up with and played with in this picture.

 I have a feeling this was after Christmas since it is taken at Aunt Lorene's house.  I thought it might be my grandfather's birthday, but since we are dressed so warmly I figured the December date was probably more correct.  Either way we are giving out gifts and my grandfather is acting as goofy as my father always did!

This is Christmas at the farm in 1978.  In the picture is my cousin Nikky, better known in the old days as Peanut, my cousin Ronnie who just died, my uncle Leo, and my cousins Shannon and Shad.  I'm always amazed at how tidy and sturdy the old house looks...not to mention the people!

Apparently back in the late 70's beards were all the rage.  This is Thanksgiving 1979 if my Dad's dates are correct.  This would be the adult table, and by this time I'm sure I had graduated to it, although I'm not in the picture.

My grandfather died in 1982 and Aunt Lorene took over our holidays.  This is Thanksgiving 1986 and the table is spread out the entire length of her living room.  From left to right:  some guy I don't know, my cousin Shannon, my cousin Little Scott, my cousin Ronnie, his wife Terri, her daughter Shannon, the head belongs to my cousin Shad, my cousin Big Scott and his wife at the time Myra, their son Ronnie,  Little Scott's wife at the time Cindy, my mother's head, me, my sister-in-law Susan, my brother Rusty, my uncle Cockeye, my cousin's husband Ronnie and my cousin Cindy, their daughter Delaney, and Darryl's wife Kathy.  Those dinners were always huge, messy, and delicious.  This is the dinner where my mother and I messed around with Cindy, telling her we were eating animals that the men had gone out and hunted.  I remember that my stomach hurt so much after all the laughing we did.  It is a good memory, and one I talked to her about when I saw her at the funeral this past month.  She and my cousin divorced so I don't see her much anymore, but that night we yukked it up.

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