Monday, November 21, 2011

Out of the mouths of my babes

Me: "Be careful in this car with the food!"

Grandma C: "They're older now. You don't have to worry about flinging food and spilling drinks now, do you?"

Me: "Pfft."

Madison: "I am much better!"

Me: "I do have to say that Madison hasn't come home from school with stuff all over her shirt."

Madison: "I have been very good with that, which is a miracle because I eat stuff in the cafeteria that is full of messy ingredients; ketchup and other stuff of suspicious origins."

(Laughter from all of us)

Madison: "It's said that the reason why we don't see the dead bodies from all the alleged shootings at high school is because they are ground up and used in the chicken nuggets in our cafeteria!"

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