Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday Morning Sports Recap

No Steelers ball until a week from Monday, but there was plenty of action over the weekend.
  • Indiana bball is back! - The Hoosiers took on #1 Kentucky in Assembly Hall on Saturday night and totally dominated.  After going ahead by 10 points, the Hoosiers let the Wildcats back in the game and actually get ahead, but Christian Watford hit a three pointer at the buzzer for the win.  Assembly Hall cleared its seats and rushed the floor in a sea of red and white.  It was a huge win and bit of nostalgia for Hoosier fans.  Plus the state needed that after watching the winless Colts all season.
  • Court Brawl - At the tail end of the basketball game between Xavier and Cincinnati words were exchanged, punches were thrown, and both benches cleared to join the brawl causing the officials to end the game with seconds remaining.  Cincinnati has already suspended players and Xavier is expected to do the same.  Now days college students are kids in men's bodies hoping to make it in the pros.  I don't know how these coaches keep them in control, but  Cincinnati's coach sure was pissed at the news conference.  Got to learn to walk away.
  • Albert Pujo;s - Yes, this happened earlier in the week, but no one can really be surprised can they?  These guys aren't about loyalty anymore.  It's money.  And in this recession who can blame them, huh?
  • Colts Game - I was secretly hoping that the Ravens would think this game a no brainer and then lose, but alas, the darn Colts are still without a win this year.
  • Tampa Ball - Can this team seriously get any worse?  I thought when Ronde Barber got the interception that they were on the way to kicking some booty.  Instead the booty that got kicked belonged to the Buccaneers.  Can't wait to see what the Glazer boys will do with this loss.
  • Tim Tebow - How about Tim for President?  Another comeback win for the Denver Broncos led by their quarterback Tim Tebow, the same quarterback that analysts and coaches said would never make it in the NFL.  And the more these idiots, who haven't jumped on the bandwagon, mouth off, the more Tim Tebow and the Broncos go out and win.
  • John Elway - And speaking of someone who mouthed off....I'm tired of the camera panning to Elway high and mighty up in the box.  He always has this pompous, smug posture, and yesterday he was caught spitting tobacco juice into a Styrofoam cup.  Ugh!  The only reason Tebow is around isn't because of Elway's job as team president as he now tries to make it be, but because the fans and the higher ups wanted it so.  Elway wants to be the only "hero" of Denver, but hey, buddy, that was years ago.  You're a has been now, despite what you did years ago, and the city of Denver is behind their man Tebow.  Better jump on the wagon now.
  • Matt Prater - And how about the Bronco's kicker people?  I think more articles should be written about this guy because in the end?  If he didn't make those kicks the last few games Tebow's name wouldn't be bouncing around the web or the TV.
  • Dallas Game - Dislike the Cowboys.  Enjoyed the Giants winning in the last few seconds.  Besides we need a Manning to succeed this year.

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