Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday Morning Sports Recap

Steelers played last night so my sports recap had to be pushed back a day, but my, what a weekend in sports it was with locker brawl, fists flying and lights going out.

  • Should just start with James Harrison's one game suspension for last week's hit on Cleveland Browns quarterback Colt McCoy.  The hit came in the fourth quarter and wasn't even really shown on TV live.  It was only after McCoy lay on the field that the reporters quickly showed a replay, and we learned that Harrison had once again hit helmet to helmet, a now no-no in the NFL after an investigation on former players dying or going crazy showed this is a direct cause of brain trauma suffered from football hits.  While I don't object to the NFL bigwigs making an example of Harrison with a one game suspension I do believe that they are just going through the motions.  I don't think they have any idea how to stop concussions and brain injuries with the way the game is played.  No one wants to be the one who changes the game rules as the NFL is raking in the money with the way it is played now.  The truth is that the refs can't be all over the field all of the time and these types of hits are happening every play of the game, not just to quarterbacks.  While the hits on quarterbacks are what draws the attention and fines, hits to defensive players like Troy Polamalu are status quo and largely ignored unless someone is knocked unconscious.  Then there are the idiots on the sidelines that are sending these players back into the game despite suffering what turns out to be a concussion, such as what happened with McCoy after being hit by Harrison.  The NFL has to do some fining on that too if they want to be consistent and show they want to stop this from happening.  I just don't see any end in sight despite fines and suspensions unless the game itself is revamped.
  • The TV cameras caught Harrison on video talking to McCoy after he returned to the game, and the announcers informed us Harrison was apologizing to McCoy for his hit.  Since McCoy has no memory of what transpired after his hit and the announcers have no idea what was really said we can only assume what was being discussed.  I like to thing Harrison was checking in with McCoy and telling him he was sorry, but his attitude afterwards with reporters was anything but.  I understand he has to be careful what he says, but since when is showing remorse going to get you in trouble?  I bet if Harrison has shown the slightest bit of apology he might of played last night and only been hit in his wallet.
  • I understand that Ben is the leader of this team, but he needs to understand that sometimes he can't lead; last night was one of those nights.  Ben playing hurt isn't going to be the Steelers answer to getting ahead.  Charlie Batch and Dennis Dixon need an opportunity to get into the game and get some experience.  I understand that last night was a huge night, but I'm not sure the team gave its all.
  • Candlestick Park lost its lighting twice last night due to some huge power surge or something.  A fan ran around on the field acting like an idiot and the cameras caught Ben Roethlisberger and Byron Leftwich watching the fan.  "Where is James Harrison when we need him," Ben said, referring to the incident several years ago in Cleveland when Harrison tackled a drunk fan who was eluding security on the field for several minutes.
  • Troy Polamalu looked fresh despite his injury.  If only the rest of the defense had stepped up its game.
  • The Chargers beat the Ravens so to take the lead in the division all the Steelers had to do was win.  Unfortunately, this team just can't seem to sizzle when they need it.  I'm getting kind of tired of watching mediocre play from a team that is much better then it's showing us each week.  Somewhere something has got to change.
  • In Dallas a cowboy defensive tackle apparently took exception with something a reporter said in an interview on Thursday and video surfaced of the two screaming *&^%$# words at one another.  The tackle, Jeff Ratliff, had to be restrained by teammates.  No word on whether anyone restrained the reporter.  Dallas then went out two days later and kicked the pewter off the Buccaneers pants 31-15.
  • Moving northeast we find another locker room showdown and more drama at Penn State.  Apparently Penn State's quarterback, Matt McGloin, one of the revolving door quarterbacks  this season, was sucker punched by his receiver and teammate Curtis Drake after the team's loss to Wisconsin.  McGloin reported suffered a concussion and a seizure after Drake delivered a mighty powerful whollop and McGloin was taken to the hospital, but later released.  The school's campus police are investigating, but we already know how those guys operate.  Scooby Doo and his pals could do a better job.
  • Heading westerly to Notre Dame is news that everyone's favorite walk on player, Rudy Ruettiger, isn't the nice guy inspired in the movie, Rudy.  Apparently ole Rudy is working a pump and dump scam with his sports drink company as well as making up elements of his time as a Notre Dame walk-on football player.  No campus police investigating this one.  It's been turned over to the feds.
  • How about those Colts?  Their first win put the Steelers in the playoffs!  If only the Steelers acted a bit more gracious.
  • The Packers lost their first game, but in the end that will make them better.  No team goes undefeated and then wins the Bowl.  I'm seeing the Packers repeat against the Ravens come February.

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