Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday 5 tidbits

  • A family that I met via my brother and his family has a seven year old daughter who has three brain tumors.  They are cancerous and inoperable.  She is in a children's hospital in Indiana.  As a parent, all of this scares me as I start to think about my own children and the fear of anything happening to them.  I also met the little girl when she was smaller and drank margaritas with her mother so knowing them makes it more real.  My brother and his wife drove the three hours to the hospital to be with the family when they heard the news.  They are good about that, comforting and being there for families, having lost a child themselves.  I worry too for them as I'm sure it makes them relive their ordeal.  I'm trying to think good thoughts and send prayers to the family, but it is hard to stay focused.  I do know I hug and love my girls even more since this happened.  Makes me just want to get out and do the things now that I want to do.  I should probably add that to my resolutions.
  • I sat outside with my two neighbors, back together again after the holidays.  Our conversation jumps all over the place from discussing what parts of the house we have cleaned, what is happening in our lives, what is planned for the weekend, to silly things like how we should be on the bikes that hang in our garage, wondering where the mail lady has been, and peering at a neighbor we only see once a month.  I could probably make a weekly entry in our inane morning conversations which I look forward to on days I'm home.
  • My mother's foot wound was a bit bigger at this week's appointment.  A downer for all involved.  The Foot God has decided to send her for an evaluation at a new wound clinic for trying a hyperbaric chamber.  I'm thrilled just to have someone else look at the wound.  Connie is a bit upset about the chamber, having used one in her past.  We shall see how it goes...
  • Since moving to Florida I've gotten more involved in Florida sports (and written about it on this blog,) and I was a Tim Tebow fan back when he played quarterback for the Florida Gators.  I've been a Tebow believer last year and this year (again, which I wrote about on this blog), but I'm really getting tired of all the bandwagon people, especially those that want to rub it in my face since the Broncos beat my team.  There is an etiquette in football (another thing I've written about on this blog) and if your team is the Broncos and has been the Broncos for years then feel free to rub it in my face I'm good with that.  But those of you whose team didn't even make the playoffs?  Not cool to call me and mouth off.  And speaking of Tebow.  I enjoyed this article about him.  Thought it well said. 
  •   The stopping the nail biting is off to a start, albeit a slow one.  I thought that taking a weekly photo would help me.  My main problem now is how much I like feeling the new length of each nail with my teeth.  As if to say, "Grow little nail, grow.  So I have more to chew."  Reading, watching TV, and stress is when I notice I chew the most.  The first two are necessities in my life.  The last is my life.  I'm not sure how I'm going to manage this one, but I have 12 months to work on it.

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