Saturday, February 04, 2012

Out of the mouths of my babes

I woke at 5:45 AM when the alarm went off to signal morning in our household.  I found the dog in what we call his brothel or bordello.  He likes to get behind the colored sheers that hang from my bedroom window and sleep with them hanging over his head and body.  I chuckled, went into the hallway and turned on the light, and then went into Madison's room to wake her.

Me:  "Maddy.  Maddy, it's morning.  Time to get up."

Maddy:  "Good morning."

Me:  "You've got to come and see Elliot."

Maddy: "Is he in the curtains?"

Me:  "Yes, and it is so cute.  Oh!  He is so sweet.  I'm so glad we got him.  I love him so."

Maddy:  "Mom?  Are you awake?"

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