Sunday, March 25, 2012

Out of the mouths of my babes

Me:  "Darcy, you only have a half day tomorrow.  I have grandma so Kelly is going to pick you up."

Darcy: "Is she going to watch me?"

Me:  "Watch you do what?"

Darcy:  "Who is going to stay with me?  Is she going to feed me?"

Me:  "What are you an animal at the zoo?"

Darcy:  "But tomorrow is a half day.  I won't have lunch.  I'll be STARVING."

Me:  "We just bought lunch meat.  You know how to make yourself a sandwich.  That's one of the things I taught you so that you could be self-reliant in situations such as this."

Darcy:  "Yeah, but what fun is that?"

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