Wednesday, April 11, 2012

SAT update

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the differences between my daughters and their experiences in taking the SAT's as seventh graders. I wrote the entry after returning from dropping off daughter number two and never updated it after picking her up. As usual, the differences were vast.

After Madison's little meltdown in the early morning, I returned to find her sitting alone at the school, having finished earlier than expected.

Madison: "Hi!"

Me: "How did it go?"

Madison: "It was really easy! Seriously."

She scored better than seventy-five percent of the Florida senior high school students who took the same test, and she received recognition and a medal from Duke University.

Remembering that, I was at the school early to pick up Darcy, but she came out way past the scheduled time. She walked out of the school building amongst a sea of seniors and hopped in the car.

Darcy: "I pretty much guessed on that entire test! Just so you know!"

Pfft. She scored significantly higher on the essay than Madison, and her scores were very good despite her statement. We are very proud of her.

In the end, I think the experience was a good one--at least they'll know what to expect when the time comes to take it for college acceptance.

Also, I'm thrilled they've added a category, so the test is out of 2400 in total points instead of 1600, and I don't have to compare my own high school scores with those taken by my seventh graders.

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