Sunday, April 01, 2012

Out of the mouths of my babes

Last night we were playing the board game Taboo.  Kelly and I were on a team against Madison and Darcy.  The game is a lot like Password where you have a card with a word on it that you have to try to get your partner to say without using certain words printed on the card.  Madison had the word Asia.

Madison:  "A place that is considered a stereotype in that a lot of smart people come from here."
Darcy:  "Nerdland!"

Madison's next word was quintuplets.

Madison:  "When you have more than one kid."
Darcy:  "Twins"
Madison:  "More than that.  And they are the same."
Darcy:  "Identical twins.  Fraternal twins."
Madison:  "More than what you said."
Darcy:  "Triplets.  Sextuplets.  Quad something.  Four."
Madison:  "More than that.  One more than what you just said."
Darcy:  "Five?"
Madison:  "Yes, that many."
Darcy:  "Quartlets!"

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