Wednesday, May 02, 2012

4 month 2012 resolution check

My resolutions for 2012 are as follows and a score between 1 - 10 with 10 being the best score:
  1. To "work on" not chewing my nails - I have to say that I was doing really well on this resolution.  So well that four of my nails were too long.  Too Long!  I had to actually go out and buy a bulk pack of nail files so that I could have one stored in every room of my house as well as my purse and car.  Sometimes I wonder who I am.  Then I got all these books from the library and the chewing has gotten worse.  I still have five great nails that I don't chew so I was going to give myself a score of 5, but then I got on here and realized the goal was to "work on" which I believe I am doing (except for the past two weeks) so I'm leaving the score from last check-in. Score: 8 
  2. To lower my cholesterol - This is one that I have to just score on the things I've done to lower my cholesterol as I only get it checked every 6 months.  I have this baby checked this week so next check in I will know if I have done this one.  But I haven't been very productive in this one.  I did start taking the fish oil pills, but I haven't exercised.  I've gained weight.  I've given up the sugary soda drinks, but have had quite a bit of sweet tea lately.  I just can't score this one all that high.   Score: 5
  3. To find time and do things only for myself - Jeez, I forgot all about this resolution.  So naturally, this hasn't happened yet.  I have been reading more so I'll give myself a little something something.  Score: 2
  4. To do a better job of keeping on top of my SAHMly chores - I just can't seem to get on the ball on this one.  I'm too lazy and down in the dumps to clean.  I clean, just not daily.  I'll put this higher priority starting tomorrow.  Score:  2
  5. To say something nice to every person I come into contact with daily - This is another one I forgot about.  Oops.  But I have to say that I have been kinder and have said nice things to those people I come into daily contact, but maybe that's just wishful thinking.  Score:  3
 Total:  20 out of 50 - Hmmm...not a very productive two months on the resolutions.  Must resolve to get to work on these little puppies!

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