Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Internet Info

One of Yahoo's lead stories today was "What not to give for Mother's Day".  Thought I should peek in on that article to see how accurate it was.

1.  Gag Gifts - According to Yahoo Mother's won't get excited over bacon flavored icing.  True that for this Mom, but I was thinking that my niece would probably love it!
2.  Anything As Seen On TV - When we were young this was one of the greatest ways to shop for our parents.  My brother and I loved finding odd gifts on commercials that aired on Saturday mornings in between our cartoons.  I remember getting my mother this glass bowl that had two glass birds on either side that you filled with colored water.  In the middle of the bowl was some of those lighted strands of plastic made to look like a fountain.  When you plugged it all in everything was so colorful and the birds moved up and down, dipping their beaks into the bowl as if drinking its contents.  My mother pretended she loved it and sat it in her dining room.  It was probably five years later that I realized she didn't really like it or want something like that.  I, however, on the other hand love crap as seen on TV.  I proudly wear my Genie Bras daily as well and have wrapped myself in Darcy's Snuggie several times.  While I haven't used my vegetable strainer yet I would love to try some pajama jeans.
3.  Diet Books - Yeah, that is something that would probably hurt my feelings unless I asked for a certain book.  Once I got the Wii Fit and I was not a happy camper about that one.  Then I popped it into the Wii and realized how much fun it was!
4.  Spanx - Are you kidding me?  I've been wanting a pair of these things since our local girl invented them, but I refuse to pay the big bucks.  I wouldn't be offended by a pair of these babies.
5.  World's Best Mom Necklace - Yahoo didn't like the style of these necklaces, but it isn't about that Yahoo.  My daughters gave me one of these necklaces that they picked out at Target and I wear it proudly.  I'll keep it forever because I remember that excitement of picking out a gift that I was so sure my mother would want....fountain with birds.
6.  Wrinkle Cream - Only because I don't wear gunk on my face because my beauty is so sensitive in that area.  Creams and lotions on my face make me crazy except for sunscreen so it isn't something I would want, but seriously?  That stuff costs a fortune so why not as a gift if you use it?
7.  Smart Shopper 301 Grocery Organizer - Okay, I hadn't a clue what this item even was so I Googled it.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  This is definitely what I want for Mother's Day, along with my Steelers shower curtain.  This is an electronic, voice activated shopping organizer.  Run out of milk?  Toilet Paper?  Let the organizer know and it will add these items on a list and categorize them and then PRINT THE LIST out to take shopping.  In my life I could use this little organizer.  It was quickly added to my Wish List in Amazon.
8.  Household Appliances - My mother-in-law said her husband once gave her a vacuum for her anniversary, and while I agree that isn't the time to give that gift, why not at Mother's Day?  My vacuum is gross and I'm so ready for another one.  And if my daughter hadn't gotten the Kitchen Aid mixer for Christmas I would have taken that puppy in a heartbeat.  Do you have any idea how easy it mixes? 

This article was written by Kaboodle which appears to be a site that sells fashion items like nail polish, boots, and purses so you can see why they don't recommend these above items, but for me, a Mother, I liked several of them.  Mother's Day is about honoring your mother, and if you can get her something that makes her day to day life easier then why wouldn't you give her that on Sunday?  I can just see me on Monday talking into my Smart Shopper 301 Organizer and adding some Spanx and a vacuum cleaner to my Target list!

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