Friday, July 06, 2012

Connie foot update

For a few weeks now the home health nurse has told Connie that the wound was closed. I didn't believe it until I finally saw it a few days prior to our appointment with the Foot God. The wound looked closed and was scabbing, but until I heard it from his majesty's lips I wasn't getting excited.

Monday we saw him. The wound is closed, but Connie is to continue with the boot for awhile. He trimmed the dead skin around it and she can now wear a dry, small piece of foam over it for protection. He is making her some inserts to wear in her tennis shoes that will protect her feet since she still has the bone issue and the neuropathy. She can finally start some PT at home and put full weight on the foot as long as she is wearing the boot.
Connie asked if she could drive and he shrugged. He wouldn't recommend driving with the boot, but since it is on her left foot and not her driving foot he guessed she could. "Just let me know when you will be on the road so I can stay off of it," he said, guessing perhaps that she does drive with the booted foot.

She returns to see him in a month and we go from there. The nurses were quite excited and gathered around the door to watch him work and catch a glimpse of the "healed" wound, and Connie made sure to tell the full waiting room that she was healed to "give you all some hope" as we wheeled her out.

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