Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Out of the mouths of my babes

Me:  "How about breakfast foods?  What things do you want for breakfast this school year?  Do we have any frozen waffles at home?  Should we get some waffles?"

Madison:  "Yes, I like the frozen waffles, and I don't know if we have any at home."

Darcy:  "We don't have our normal kind.  We have Aunt Jenny's or..." (squints at waffles in the case)  "Aunt Gemini waffles."

Me:  "It's Aunt Jemima."

Darcy:  "Yeah, that kind."

Me:  "Okay, I'll get the Eggo waffles if you'll go get the garlic bread around the corner."  She returns with a brand I don't buy.  "What is that?  That isn't our garlic bread."

Darcy:  "They didn't have any Pepdridge bread."

Me:  "It's Pepperidge Farms.  Did you even have English class today?"

Darcy:  "Ha. Ha.  Very funny."

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