Sunday, September 09, 2012

Sunday football picks and more - Week #1

  • Chicago over Indy - I liked what I saw in Andrew Luck over the preseason.  He was a leader, he kept his cool, and he looked at home in the huddle.  He reminded me of Peyton Manning actually.  But Da' Bears have been the buzz for this season and they are at home so I'm going with them.
  • Eagles over Browns - Thought the Eagles looked good in preseason and the Browns never start off fast and furious.
  • Detroit over St. Louis - I keep hoping the Lions will continue on their path to redemption.
  • New England over Tennessee - I always start out with a W for Tom Brady, but the Titans have some buzz going on so I could be wrong here.
  • Atlanta over Kansas City - I think Atlanta is going to be one of the big teams this season.
  • Minnesota over Jacksonville - This is a wash with either team winning.  Since it is at Minnesota I'm going with the Vikings.
  • New Orleans over Washington - I'm not familiar with the Skins and I need to get more informed on their new quarterback.  I had the Skins first since I think New Orleans at this point doesn't much care and are still annoyed, but that being said maybe that will motivate them in a "we'll show you" kind of way.  Plus they are at home so I'm taking the Saints.
  • Buffalo over the Jets - Will Tebow start or not?  That is the big questions (cough) for the start of the season and Rex Ryan loves that the media is all over this.  With Ryan one never knows what he is thinking, but unless he straightens out his locker room the Jets aren't going anywhere.
  • Houston over Miami - Sigh.  The poor Dolphins.  Enough said.
  • Green Bay over San Francisco - Packers at home at Lambeau Field?  No brainer.
  • Arizona over Seattle - I keep waiting for Arizona to shine and I'm not up on the Seahawks so that's why I'm going with the Cardinals.
  • Panthers over the Bucs - The poor Buccaneers.  Cam Newton?  Ain't going to happen.
  • Steelers over Broncos - Should be an interesting game.  I'm worried, no doubt, as I always am against Peyton Manning.  He has a lot to prove tonight and James Harrison most likely will not be playing.  Without our defensive leader and our safety (Ryan Clark out due to his sickle cell trait - can't play at high altitudes) I'm concerned.  But I never go against my boys so Pittsburgh will bring it home!
  • Baltimore over Cincinnati - Ravens pfft.  But they are good.
  • Raiders over the Chargers - Always have to have a wildcard and this is mine.
  • Officiating - The NFL has locked out the experienced NFL referees due to contract negotiating issues and replaced them with referees from various other leagues, including the lingerie league. The owners refused a request from players to reinstate the NFL referees for the start of the season, preferring to use replacements until a deal is finalized. The players are concerned about their safety, the referees are concerned about their livelihood, and the owners are concerned about money. Hmmm...who should I root for? Come on! The owners make a boat load of money in this league with the players making money in the millions. Something tells me the referees aren't asking for anything near that. In the meantime the season has started with Roger Goddell's new regulations on hits to players and the league thinks putting in novice replacements is no big deal? Yeah, I'm not so much on board.
  • US Open - Due to rain the women's final will be played today and I expect my gal Serena to cruise to the win.
  •  NASCAR - The run to the Chase finished in an upset with Hendrick's Racing having all cars in the finals.  My paper said the chances of Jeff Gordon making it in were nil, but I never doubted him.  Exciting!

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