Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday sports recap - Week #2

Lamar Woodley promised me on Facebook that "we won't be 0-2" and I believed him.  Thank you Woodley!
  • Defense - Seriously? No Troy Polamalu and no James Harrison due to injuries. We just can't have both of these guys sitting on the sidelines. And the rest of the defense making stupid holding penalties isn't going to win us any games. But I have to say that they pulled themselves together after the first few mistakes and played like this defense should.  I really believe we have one of the best defenses, but they have all got to be on and together and for some reason they just aren't each week.  But when they are....look out.
  • Ike Taylor - Dude, if Taylor could just be an animal like this every week the defense would be looking more like the Steel Curtain of old. He made a stupid error in the beginning of the game, but more than made up for it with his tackles and breaking up of plays.
  • Helmet to Helmet - Have we not learned anything in this category? Lawrence Timmons should deservedly be fined for his hit on Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez.
  • Running Game - Obviously the Steelers organization is not reading my blog, but I'll say it again RUNNING THE BALL IS NOT WORKING!
  • Colorful Language - My husband was not aware that this type of language is acceptable during Steelers games, but I set him straight just in time for the...
  • Mike Wallace catch - Welcome back to Pittsburgh Mike Wallace! If anyone wonders if he can play without having practiced and gone through preseason, wonder no more. The man has something to prove this season and if he continues to do that he just might get close to what he wants.
  • Ben Roethlisberger - Can anyone move around the pocket and break tackles like this guy?  When he is hot he is smoking. His throw to Mike Wallace was phenomenol. If he could run a bit, he would be three for three, but when you're that tall it's a long way to the ground. 
  • Replacement Refs - The NFL needs to get this straightened out because the officiating in this game sucked. Pass interference on Ike Taylor? First down when it was second down? Bad calls made on both sides. Either educate these replacements or end the lockout.
  • Isaac Redman - I have to give kudos to our running back who is our Jerome Bettis replacement. His job has been to run it on 3rd and 4th down and to get us into the endzone when we're in the red zone. Yet he has tried to step up as our only running back lately carrying and running the ball through quicksand. He has kept at it and kept at it and run and run and struggled and struggled, yet he hasn't complained and has kept on persevering. Glad he finally got into the endzone there at the end.


  • Buccaneers - Since they were playing in New York we got to see the game, and what a game it was! The Bucs defense played the first half like maniacs stealing balls and tackling players left and right. The offense took advantage of the defense's play and scored on the turnovers. But the defense seemed pooped in the 4th quarter and you can't be when playing against a Manning quarterback.
  • Coaches Exchange - On the last play of the game Eli went to take a knee and the Bucs defense acted like he was pulling a trick play and some scuffling ensued. Giants coach Tom Coughlin had some curse words for Tampa coach Greg Schiano after the game, and Schiano acted like this taking a knee was all new to him coming from the college level. All it really did was get the media hyped up and subject us to more replays of the Haugh/Schwartz exchange from last season.
  • Replacement Refs - One was removed for being a Saints fan.  What... that was a question on the application?  Apparently the ref posted pictures of himself on Facebook in Saints garb. The fact that he is from New Orleans didn't factor in as much as the phone calls to the NFL telling on the guy. After last week's awarding of an extra time out during the Seattle/Arizona game guess the NFL wasn't taking any chances.  The NFL also sent out memos, according to my Twitter buddy Jay Glazer, that told coaches to stop the bullying of the refs.  Seems like things aren't going so well for any of the sides.
  • Reggie Bush - I keep forgetting Bush is in Miami, but he sure reminded me yesterday. He has vowed to be the leading rusher this year in the NFL and his 172 yds. and two touchdowns against the Raiders was a good start.
  • Dallas - Sigh. They fell apart a game sooner than I expected for my picks.
  • My Picks - I should join the NCAA picks since I only missed one in our cockeye pool and sucked in the NFL. The Patroits dropping passes, getting kicks blocked, and missing field goals? The terrifying Ravens defense letting the Eagles sneak in the endzone in the last few minutes? And the Saints defense sucking even more than last week? Who knew?
  • Helmet to Helmet - I think Roger Goodell needs to send out a refresher video. Some of the ones I saw last week and this week were not the kind of hits that are unavoidable. With all the hype last year and the research that is coming out this is getting unacceptable.
  • NHL lockout - Here we go again. Someone please tell me why owners offer contracts they don't plan on paying? No wonder the players are annoyed. But they too sign these outrageous contracts that have in the past not been honored so they too are to blame. Someone needs to change things, and since the owners have more to lose in this lockout I suggest they step up to the plate.
  • The Saints - What? If they can't have bounties to play for the defense can't play? They've given up like 900 plus yards in the first two games. I'm not sure but if they don't pull themselves together the city of New Orleans might have to put a fork in them.
  • RGIII - This guy is electric! At least in the highlights. So much for thinking these college grad newbies need  a few years to gain some insight and maturity.
  • Andrew Luck - Kid showed poise in the final moments and got the team close enough for the Colts veteran kicker to win it through the uprights.
  • Faith Hill - Does anyone besides me think that Faith's dress in the opening of Thursday night football is a tad too short?  When she lifts her leg up near the end of her performance she almost shows us what is or isn't under that thing.  Does she let her daughter wear dresses like that?

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