Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday's 10 things I learned this week

  1. The dog is more energetic during cooler weather - Those three coats of his probably contributes to this, but I feel it too. Yeah 60 and 70 degree weather in Florida!
  2. Sunday night football should start earlier - When the Steelers play at night whether it is Sunday or Thursday you might as well put a fork in me for getting anything accomplished the next day. I can't go right to sleep after the game. Win or lose I lie in bed and go over all the plays. I'm either hyped up with happiness or pissed and annoyed. Either way sleep doesn't come easy. The NFL should pay for days off for those of us watching.
  3. The meaning of the word "lede" - The meaning is an alternative spelling of the word "lead" in journalism.  I took several classes in journalism in high school and in college, but do not remember ever hearing this word. 
  4. That I am more than tired of hearing about how everyone that doesn't stay home and raise children is "working" - It is a terrible excuse.  Yes, yes, you work.  Guess what?  So do I.  In fact I work 14 hours a day, sometimes 24 if the kids are sick.  I spend several hours in a car traveling from one end of the county to the other.  I cook, clean, take care of the dog, do laundry and ironing, balance a budget, pay bills, and help with homework.  In between that job I have part-time work that I do including teaching kids to swim, blogging, and writing.  Despite all of that, I also return phone calls and emails in a timely manner.  While I understand that people work outside of the home and go to an office daily that doesn't mean they are can get away with not doing crap.  We all have troubles, issues, etc.  "Working" isn't an excuse.
  5. I shouldn't buy Halloween candy a week early - You might think this is because I eat it. I do. But my kids eat it more. We are on our third bag now and Halloween is still six days away.
  6. Getting to bed early really does help with my sleepiness - I was starting to worry it was a medical condition, but these past two days I've gotten more than five hours of sleep and haven't needed a nap. Who hoo! Now if I can just keep that up.
  7. That I will drink after my dog - I made the best cup of coffee and was outside listening to music and blogging when he licked the inside of my cup which was sitting on the stones by my chair. I admit (sorry Mom) I just turned the cup around and finished my coffee.
  8. That if it weren't for spelling I would be useless with homework - Well, also grammar and writing, but after that? Forget it.
  9. That when someone says the name, "Troy" it doesn't always mean who I picture - The meat guy at the counter at my grocery was kind enough to ignore my faux pas when I cut into his conversation with another worker. Turns out there is a wrestler who goes by the name of Troy. Yeah. What kind of sport is that?
  10. That I don't learn much in a week - Either that or I can't remember it. Which makes me wonder if I learned it in the first place.

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