Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday sports recap - Week #7

  • Big Ben's meeting - It was reported that Ben met with the offense this week to give a pep talk and beat some sense into these guys.  It worked.  It is what is needed on this team.  We have got to have a leader who motivates and fires up these guys.  Last night wasn't pretty, but it was a start.
  • Dropped Passes - I hope these guys look at the game film this morning and wince.  I don't have the number of dropped passes, but most of them were right where they were suppose to be.  That is crazy.  Makes me wonder about "stick-em" eh?
  • Ike Taylor - He was all over A.J. Green last night allowing him only one catch of the night, unfortunately that one in the end zone.  I have to say that Taylor has been the most improved along with Ryan Clark since the start of the season.   
  • Two point conversion - People are saying it was an odd choice that early in the game.  Huh?  Tie up a ball game that you were sorely getting your ass whupped in?  Got to give these guys some motivation people.  That probably did more for the team going into the locker room at halftime than anything.
  • Johnathan Dwyer - He stepped up with our two running backs watching on the sidelines.  A huge game for Dwyer with 122 yards on 17 carries.  Somebody better watch his back. 
  • Long way to go - Next week is RGIII - hey, I'll get to see him play a full game - so the boys had better not get too comfy.  Still need our defense.  Still need some sacks per game, something that was missing last night.  Still need our running game.  Still need Ben to make big plays and be a leader.  This is just one game.  Enjoy it for tonight and get ready for more. 
  • Investigation on Saints - I thought Howie Long's assessment of Paul Tagliabue taking over for Roger Goodell as a lateral move was a good one. "...I find it hard to believe that a former commissioner is going to cut the legs out from under a sitting commissioner." Long said. He seemed to suggest taking it to the court system so that we could all hear the evidence and conclude this whole thing. Interesting, but if these guys really did have a bounty they might find the punishment by law is far greater than sitting out for several games.Investigation on San Diego Chargers - In the game against the Denver Broncos an equipment manager came out on to the field with a towel full of an illegal sticky substance. An official on the field asked to see inside the towel, the equipment guy said no, a group formed on the field, and eventually the manager emptied his pockets and the substance was discovered. Now an investigation is underway and the Chargers are in big trouble with a possibility of loosing draft picks.  Makes me laugh at all those people who said to put a fork in Peyton Manning. Yeah, well now teams are having to resort to cheating even when up by 24 points to try to win against Peyton.
  • Fox NFL pre-game - If you missed Terry Bradshaw's assessment of Packers quarterback Aaron Rogers where he compared him to his rooster Big Ernie who went through a molting and lost his champion beauty, you missed a hilarious segment. Just another example of why I watch Fox every Sunday. 
  •  Tampa throwback game - I'm not sure why the NFL does these games because it seems like a waste of money to me. It isn't like the guys are really wearing throwback jerseys of old players. But to make the Buccaneers wear those "creamsicle", orange uniforms with weird , winky Bruce helmets was just cruel. When my friend Kim and I first moved here we had the hardest time taking the Bucs seriously each week in those outfits. And they never won in those things...and they didn't yesterday. 
  • Tampa Game - ...although they gave it a good try. Buccaneers Ronde Barber started things off right with his 46th career interception that the Bucs turned into a score. Quarterback Josh Freeman had a career high passing of 420 yards with 3 TDs, but when he needed to stand up straight and tall he slumped and you can't do that against Drew Brees. Plus you can't give him 2:30 on the clock at the end of the half when the Bucs themselves didn't convert.
  • Rick Pereira - Enjoy having an expert official onboard to answer questions about certain calls in games that leave fans pissed and/or wondering. Fox had Pereira on at the end of the Bucs game to explain why Tampa Bay's touchdown to Mike Williams with no time on the clock was overruled. Williams was pushed out of bounds legally while Bucs quarterback Freeman was out of the pocket, therefore no touchdown despite Williams coming back in bounds and re-establishing himself.
  • Helmet to helmet - For the last three weeks I have watched offensive player after offensive player duck his head as a defender is coming toward him. The problem with this is that the defender is coming in with his head down AS HE HAS BEEN TOLD TO DO in the NFL video that circulated last year so that in most circumstances the defender would tackle the offense in the shoulder area or below.  There has been criticism from the defense that the rules aren't even and I tend to agree. There are always ways of working around the system and right now the offense has found it and is is the NFL. Time to start fining the offense Mr. Goodell. 
  • RGIII - I wish I could just watch one full game to see this guy play instead of just highlight reels. But darn that Eli Manning and Victor Cruz and his end zone dance and darn Skins Santana Moss for his fumble or I might have won my wildcard game.
  • Ravens post-game - A little odd as if they all got hit one to many times yesterday.  Without Ray Lewis as leader the team floundered, despite his letter of motivation read by coach John Harbaugh. They got killed by the Texans and this is not a team that will sit quietly by and be okay with that.  I'm just glad the Steelers don't have to play them next week.
  • Game 7 baseball - Oops, the St. Louis Cardinals seemed to forget they are the reigning champs letting the hometown Giants run away with game 6.  Should be a doozy tonight.
  • Missy Franklin - The Olympic phenom chooses California for her college and swimming career, a team that has won the past two national championships.  Anyone surprised by this?  

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