Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday sports recap - Week #8

  • Weather - Rainy due to the storm heading up the east coast.  It left a lot of spots on the camera filming my game. I had to watch on the computer since my buddy was at his last soccer game of the season and our Fox affiliate was showing Atlanta.  Meanwhile here in Florida we too were feeling some of the hurricane with some clouds and cooler weather.  Cool enough to break out these bad boys purchased in Indiana this summer:  
  • Throwback Uniforms - The Steelers went with 1934 uniforms that were only worn one year.  They only had black and white photos to work from and the results were OMG horrible.  I don't think we will be seeing those uniforms up for sale anytime soon.  The bee-like outfits made the Bucs creamsicle ones look decent.  They even made these uniforms designed for Flo rida's alma mater high school look fabulous (which I thought they were anyway).  At halftime every update made mention of the uniforms and laughter was always accompanied.  But we played so well that I'm thinking these uniforms are "the bees knees".  Hee Hee
  • Young Money Crew - The Fox Pregame show did a segment on Pittsburgh young receivers Antonio Brown, Emmanuel Sanders, and Mike Wallace who call themselves the Young Money Crew.  The name came from them talking about their low paychecks when rookies compared to Hines Ward's paycheck.  A few years later they now have individual names; Brown is Cash Money for his huge newly signed contract, Sanders is Easy Money because he makes catches look easy and he is easy going, and Wallace is Fast Money due to his speed.  It was a cute segment.  All the guys are good looking young men and they were funny.  But the best line was Michael Strahan's who said after the segment that he hoped they would be the "Save Some Money Crew".
  • RGIII - Not as impressive as I've been hearing, but I'm chalking that up to the Steelers impressive defensive play.  The rookie QB was only 16 of 34 passes for 177 yards, which isn't too poor, but his receivers sure did have a hard time holding on to his passes, dropping ten of them.  He also got some hard tackles when he did try to get out of the pocket or to rush.  Not much of a debut for me in seeing him play for a full game...but I'm certainly not complaining either!
  • Jonathan Dwyer - Another great game by the back-up running back who had 16 carries for 107 yards.  Look out Mendenhall your job just might be in jeopardy. 
  • Dropped Passes - On both sides.  Santana Moss had several.  The Steelers had four.  I'm thinking the rain might have been the cause in this game.
  • Ryan Clark - Just what we need another safety down.  Clark went into the locker room in the beginning of the third quarter with a concussion that knocked him out of the game.  Ryan Mundy and Will Allen took the places of Clark and starter Troy Polamalu, out another game with his calf injury.  Both men played well for the Steelers with Allen making two great hits that broke up key plays.
  • DeAngelo Hall - He got a little heated in his tackling of Emmanuel Sanders late in the fourth quarter resulting in the official coming over to talk to him.  He took off his helmet, a no no in the league, and then just kept verbally attacking the refs until they, as the head official stated, "excused him from the game."
  • Adderall - This drug for ADHD is illegal in most sports without a valid prescription, but that hasn't stopped the the Tampa Bay Buccaneers from chomping down on the amphetamine.  First cornerback Aquib Talib was suspended for four games for having the drug in his system and now Jay Glazer has reported that the other cornerback Eric Wright has tested positive for the drug.  Knowing the Bucs players, I'm thinking maybe some attention issues might be the cause?
  • Chris Long - I guess I'm late on the fact that Howie Long's son is a professional football player for the St. Louis Rams.  He plays the same defensive end position that his father played with the Oakland Raiders.  I'm still stunned that Howie is old enough to have a son in the NFL.
  • England Football - Which is really soccer over there, but for some reason the NFL sends players overseas to play a game in jolly old England.  I don't get it, but I heard via Twitter the Steelers are heading there next year.  Since a trip to England has always been a dream of mine perhaps I should head over there the same time as the Steelers and kill two birds with one stone.  I'm serious.
  • Matt Ryan - The Falcons quarterback was smokin' hot in the first half.  He was 17-20 and threw three touchdowns.  The undefeated team scored on all four possessions in that half.  He kept it up in the second half as well and the Falcons are the only team still undefeated this season.
  • Jets at halftime - Would not have wanted to be in that locker room after that first half debacle, but then again that room has been a place of contention and issue for over a year now.  Apparently, Rex didn't fire them up enough or maybe they just really don't care enough because they didn't come out of that locker room any better than when they went in losing to the Dolphins 30 - 9.
  • Mark Sanchez - He supposedly broke up with Eva Longeria due to his poor attitude from not playing well.  That didn't seem to help him, poor guy.  Something tells me that she made him feel a whole lot better than he is feeling after that game.
  • Serena Williams - She beat Maria Sharapova 6-4, 6-3 to win the WTA Championship ending her year with seven titles including Wimbledon, the U.S. Open, and the Olympics gold.  Not bad for someone who thought she might never play the game of tennis again after several hospitalizations and injuries.
  • Notre Dame - Are these guys on a roll or what?  The past two weeks they looked a tad slow winning in the end, but struggling.  Last night against Oklahoma, who I picked to break the Fighting Irish's winning streak, Notre Dame was on fire killing the Sooners 30-13.  Two Sooner touchdowns were called back and Oklahoma coach Bob Stoops was clearly frustrated.  Give the Notre Dame kids credit.  They are playing some football and winning.
  • IU Basketball - Voted #1 in the AP preseason poll! Yeah baby! Go Hoosiers!

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