Friday, October 19, 2012

Things I learned this week

  • The new IOS update is crap on my IPad. - Tom always tells me to wait a couple of weeks after new updates arrive so that the kinks can be worked out.  Usually I never hook my electronics up to my computer unless there is some problem.  This time I hooked it up because I had deleted some ads and they were still insisting on updating every week.  Also, Tom had updated his phone so I thought I was in the clear.  No such happiness.  Now I can't update apps or connect to my ITunes account. I get on the Internet and it kicks me off. I'm certainly glad I haven't updated my IPhone.
  • I can only make it two days with only 4 hours of sleep - After that I become a crazed woman who can barely stumble through her house.  I decided last week that I would not complain about being tired.  I made it until Thursday which was the longest I had ever gone (as my mother will tell you), but I was one miserable little puppy with dark circles under her eyes and a very dizzy, befuddled head.
  • It is LaMarr Woodley - not Lamar...oops I knew that.
  • Santa has quite smoking - A woman has spent over $200,000 and two years of her life trying to get Santa Claus to give up his pipe and smoke halo. She should have asked our government to intervene.
  • Old age sucks - The older you get the harder it is to lose weight, avoid ailments, and feel decent.  At least it is for me.  And I'm blaming age.
  • Must do better on resolutions - I need to make more realistic new year's resolutions.  I either forget all about what I'm improving on or it becomes such a hard thing to accomplish that I just give up.  Mostly I forget about it.
  • The running for elections makes people insane - Five years ago I got emails on what a crappy job George Bush has done for this country.  I got them daily and the inaccuracy and stupidity of these emails made me nuts.  Now I'm getting them telling me what a crappy job Obama has done for this country.  Hey, email senders, notice how no one is making you happy and doing what you think should be done?  It is because both parties have lost sight of what this country was built on and for.  The problem is that everyone is out for his own agenda and not what is best for all of us.  And I have to say that the haters of the current administration are downright ugly in some of the things that are sent over facebook.  Sad.  Shouldn't we be working together?
  •  A day off is needed - My kids have today off.  We are headed to the beach.  Glory, glory.  I feel great leaving behind the laundry, dirty house, dirty dog, homework, etc.  I'm hoping to feel even more rejuvenated when I return to all of that later in the day.

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